LHDN e-Invoicing AI Assistant

LHDN e-Invoicing AI Assistant

We trained an AI Assistant on IRB Malaysia e-Invoice Guideline Version 4.0, IRB Malaysia e-Invoice Specific Guideline Version 3.1 and IRB Malaysia e-Invoice General FAQs.

Feel free to utilize it for any enquiry or question about LHDN e-Invoicing related matters. However, please note that the LHDN e-Invoicing AI Assistant is always in the process of training and adjustment to provide more accurate responses.

*AI can make mistakes. Check important info.

Always best to double check the PDF files if you feel is answers are not accurate. Also welcome to flag the answers by the AI Assistant so that we can retrain it accordingly.

If you need more help regarding LHDN e-Invoicing related matters, do check out our e-Invoice Services page and see how we can assist.

Ryan Chuah
Ryan Chuah

Ryan Chuah is an experienced IT consultant specializing in SME digitalization. Drawing from his background in software development, internet industries, and professional firms, Ryan identified the gap between IT and business.

As the founder of Kiizen IT Consulting Sdn Bhd, he's committed to offering tailored, scalable, strategic, and supportive IT solutions for SMEs. With a deep understanding of both IT and business requirements, Ryan consistently delivers practical and innovative solutions in our ever-evolving technological landscape.

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