MyInvois Portal Guide

Step-by-Step MyInvois Portal Guide to Issue Malaysia e-Invoice

Table of Contents

Introduction to MyInvois Portal for E-Invoicing in Malaysia

The MyInvois Portal is a crucial platform in Malaysia’s digital transformation, offering a comprehensive e-invoicing solution provided by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) for free. This platform is crucial for businesses, especially those without any ERP / Accounting system, to streamline their invoice processes and comply with tax regulations.

In Malaysia, the adoption of e-Invoicing is not merely a global economic trend but a necessary step for ensuring tax compliance. It helps prevent severe penalties related to the Income Tax Act 1967, making it imperative for businesses to adapt quickly.

This guide aims to show the process of using the MyInvois Portal, offering a step-by-step visual instruction for businesses to easily start issue e-Invoices while ensuring compliance with LHDN guidelines.

Do note the current MyInvois Portal Guide below are recorded on MyTax & MyInvois Pre-Production (Preprod) Testing Environment. So some of the process may vary in the Live version.

We most likely will update the content accordingly when we are doing phase 2 implementation on our own company. Stay Tuned!

Functions & Features of MyInvois Portal

The MyInvois Portal is a comprehensive e-invoicing solution designed by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) to streamline the invoicing process for businesses. Key features include profile management for taxpayers and representatives, enabling easy oversight and accountability in invoicing tasks.

The portal allows users to generate, submit, and manage e-invoices, ensuring real-time validation and status tracking. Additionally, it supports efficient document management, enabling submission of various invoice types, such as credit notes and debit notes.

With its user-friendly interface accessible on multiple devices, and with dedicated Android & iOS app, the MyInvois Portal significantly enhances the efficiency and transparency of business transactions.

Understanding and Accessing the MyInvois Portal Testing Environment

The MyInvois Portal offers a Testing Environment, also known as the Sandbox, which allows taxpayers to familiarize themselves with the portal’s functionalities before engaging in actual transactions.

This environment is crucial for users to test the submission, validation, and management of e-invoices without affecting the production database. By accessing the Testing Environment through the MyTax Portal, users can simulate real-world scenarios and ensure their processes align with regulatory requirements.

This preparatory step helps businesses identify and rectify potential issues, ensuring a smooth transition to the live environment. 

Registering an Account at MyTax for MyInvois Access

Here’s a quick overview of the documents you’ll need:

Document TypeRequired For
IdentificationPersonal and Company Registration
Business RegistrationCompany TIN Registration
Form 49 / Section 58Company Director Role Application

Ensuring these documents are ready will facilitate a smooth registration. The MyTax Portal serves as the entry point to MyInvois, enabling efficient tax compliance and reporting.

Once registered, you can access the MyInvois Portal directly through your MyTax account, leveraging both platforms for comprehensive tax management.

To begin issuing e-Invoices on the MyInvois Portal, you must first register an account on the MyTax Portal. Follow these steps for a seamless registration process:

  1. Visit the MyTax Portal Page and start the registration process.
  2. Choose your ID type, which usually will be the identification number. Then fill in your NRIC number and click Submit button.
  3. A popup will appear with “Digital Certification not exist” alert for this testing environment. Just proceed by clicking the MyInvois button to get a digital certificate automatically assigned.
  4. A popup will appear with “Information Verification” with your registered email, asking for your confirmation. This email most likely is from your income tax submission. Usually is the correct 1, just click Yes button to proceed.
  5. Check the profile info at the First Time Login Application screen. If everything is ok, just click Submit.
  6. A “Success” pop up message will appear. Saying that the PIN No. registration is successful and need to check your email to proceed.
  7. Go to your email after a few minute, you should have received an email from with the subject:”[MYINVOIS PORTAL TESTING ENVIRONMENT] Makluman Pengaktifan Nombor PIN Bagi Log Masuk Kali Pertama Ke Persekitaran Pengujian Portal MyInvois
  8. Just click on the activation link in that email to proceed.

MyTax Account Setup for MyInvois Portal

Sometimes it takes a while before the first-time login registration email reach your inbox. Do check at your SPAM folder if still haven’t receive it after a few hours.

Follow these steps for a seamless account setup process:

  1. The activation link in the email will bring you to Step 1 of your MyTax Account setup.
  2. Choose your ID type, which is the identification number. Then fill in your NRIC number and click Submit.
  3. Next you will have to key in the password you want to setup at the Password and Password (Again) field, along with the Security Phrase.
  4. Scroll down, tick the Agree box to the Terms & Conditions, then click Submit.
  5. A “Success” pop up message will appear. Saying that the Digital Certificate generation is successful, and now you can login to your MyTax account with your password.
  6. Click OK, then you will back to the login screen. Just proceed select your ID type, key in your NRIC and click Submit.
  7. Then see if the Security Phrase is correct or not, then enter your password. (Do note that you only have 5 logins attempt before being locked out. So be careful when keying in the password, then click Login.)
  8. After successfully login, you will see your name, and your TIN info at the upper left. With the role selection default to “Individual” at the main area.

Company’s User Role Application for MyInvois Portal

Applying for user roles within the MyInvois Portal is a structured process designed to ensure that each user can effectively manage e-Invoicing tasks.

Various user roles are available, each playing a significant role in facilitating e-Invoicing:

  • Estate Administrator
  • Directors of the company / Organization Administrator (We will be using this)
  • Employer
  • Tax Agent Firm Administrator
  • Lawyer
  • Business Owner

Follow these steps for a seamless role application process:

  1. Login to your MyTax account.
  2. Click on Profile button at the upper right.
  3. Go to the “Role Application” tab and click on it.
  4. For Type of Application, choose “New Application“.
  5. For Type of Role, choose “Directors of the company /  Organization Administrator
  6. Key in the Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the Company. (Refer to our How to Find TIN Number for E-Invoice article to do TIN search for any individual or company)
  7. Then upload the Form 49 or Section 58 as supporting document. (Must be less than 2Mb, and only in jpg, png, and pdf file format.
  8. Tick on the Terms & Condition box, then click Submit.
  9. A “Signature” popup box will ask for your ID and password to login again for verification of the signature.
  10. A “Success” pop up message will appear. Saying that the New Application is being processed, and you can check back within 5 working days.
  11. The at the “Role Application” screen, scroll down and you can now see List of Role Application will have the new application with its status as “New”. You can click on the Cancel button if you want to revoke it.
  12. IF the application is proper, and after a few days when you check back. The application status will show “Accepted”. You can click on the Termination button if you want to terminate it.
  13. Now with the Role Application being accepted, you are ready to login the MyInvois Portal for the first time.

First-Time Login to MyInvois Portal

Accessing the MyInvois Portal for the first time involves several straightforward steps. 

Follow these steps for a seamless first-time login setup process:

  1. Login to your MyTax account.
  2. Click on “Individual” at the role selection section.
  3. A “Role Selection” screen will popup, click on the Peranan Pengarah Syarikat / Pentadbir Organisasi option.
  4. There you will have a list of company that your MyTax account is a Director / Administrator of. Click to select your Company you wanted to login for.
  5. After that, go to the MyInvois menu at the top left, in Testing Environment, there will be the “Preprod” menu available. Click on it to proceed to MyInvois Portal testing environment.
  6. Frist step will be the Terms & Conditions segment, scroll down and Tick the “I accept” box and then click on “Continue” button.
  7. Next, the Taxpayer Profile (your company) segment. Here you can review and update any wrong or missing information. Then scroll down and click on “Save” button to proceed.
  8. At the User Profile (your user) segment, you can choose the your preferred notification language and email address. Then click “Save”.
  9. The “Registration Completed!” segment will be the end, just click “Finish Setup” to finally go into MyInvois Portal Home Page.
  10. Next, scroll down to “Manage Taxpayer Profile” at the Quick Links section and click on “Visit Now”
  11. Here at Taxpayer Profile screen, you should check and make sure everything is correct. Then scroll down to Representatives section.
  12. You should see your name, and your role as Director at this section. This section will also be crucial if you need to add any users, ERP system or intermediaries.

Issuing an E-Invoice: Step-by-Step Guide

Now, MyInvois Portal have been setup. Next, we do have to configure some minor stuff before issuing an e-Invoice.

We try to keep everything simple, but MyInvois portal e-invoicing is quite data entry heavy. Hence, we usually recommend solutions like e-Invoice compliant Accounting System or e-Invoicing Middleware solutions for company need to issue monthly high volume of invoices. 

Here’s a quick configuration to check and do at Taxpayer Profile before issuing e-invoice:

  1. At the MyInvois Portal home screen. Scroll down to Manage Taxpayer Profile, and click “Visit Now”
  2. Click on “Edit” at the Taxpayer Profile page. Then do update the SST, and Tourism Tax Registration Number. (Put “NA” if not applicable, but cannot be left empty)
  3. Next, update your Default Notification Language to what your preferred. Then click “Choose File” to upload your company logo. (400x400px square image file only)
  4. Then if every other information is correct, can scroll down and click “Save” to update the profile.
  5. Optional: Next, you can click on “Generate QR Code”. It will generate a QR Code for you, that other user can scan using the MyInvois App on Google Play Store & Apple Store to check your Taxpayer Profile info.
  6. Click on “Back to MyInvois Portal” then proceed to click on “New Document” to start creating your first e-invoice.

Follow these steps for a seamless process of e-invoicing via MyInvois Portal:

  1. Arriving at the “New Document” page, this is where you can select what type of e-invoice to create, then click “Start”.
    • Invoice (We will be selecting Invoice)
    • Credit Note
    • Debit Note
    • Refund Note
    • Self-billed Invoice
    • Self-billed Credit Note
    • Self-billed Debit Note
    • Self-billed Refund Note
  2. Next, you can click on “Override” if you want to change the e-invoice number, or the date / time. (Do note that we advise to avoid putting symbol for the e-invoice number. Then the date cannot be backdated more than 72 hours.)
  3. We will usually also toggle on the “Personally on Web / Mobile” to receive notification on this e-invoice. Then click “Continue”.
  4. We reach the “Supplier and Buyer” tab, where the Supplier (From) info side will already be filled up accordingly to your Taxpayer Profile.
  5. At the Buyer (To) side, you will have to fill in all your client information.
  6. Start with ID Type, the BRN in new format, then your client’s TIN. Then click “Validate”. Only validated the BRN and TIN matched, only can proceed to fill in the rest of your client’s information.
  7. After all information is filled up correctly. At the top part there will be a “Tick” beside the Supplier and Buyer tab. Then click “Continue” to proceed.
  8. Now we arrive at the “Line Item” segment. All items added to the e-invoice will show up here. Click on “Add Line” to start adding items.
  9. Firstly, you have to key in item details under the “Line Details” segment. Then scroll down to Taxes section.
  10. Click on “Add Tax Type”, and select the type of tax, and fill in rates and so on accordingly.
    • Select “Not Applicable” if your item doesn’t have any tax applicable. Since all item is required to have a Tax Type.
  11. Optional: Select the Country of Origin for the product and services of this item.
  12. Click “Add” to finish adding the item to the e-invoice.
  13. Repeat above steps to add more line items if you need. Then check the total pricing is correct or not at the summary section. Then click “Continue” to proceed.
  14. At the “Additional Information” segment, you can now key in additional information like Recipient, payment terms, etc. Click “Continue” to proceed.
  15. Review all the information at the “Summary and Submit” segment is correct, then click “Sign & Submit Document”.
  16. For security purposes, you will be asked to login again.
  17. Then another screen will require you to put in your ID, and password again, and tick Agree to Signed on behalf of the Company.
  18. A “Document Submitted!” popup will indicate that document submission is successful. The UUID of the e-invoice just created will be displayed. Click “Finished” to end the e-invoicing process.

Follow these steps for a seamless process of printing the e-invoice from MyInvois Portal:

  1. Next, click on “Documents” to see the e-invoice you created. (Do note that .)
  2. Click on the e-Invoice UUID displayed previously to check the document detail. You can see the “Valid” status at the upper left below the UUID.
  3. From this e-invoice document detail screen. You can perform below actions.
    • Print
    • Cancel
    • Copy as Draft
    • Get Validation Link
    • Download
  4. Click on “Print” and you will see the Full Official e-Invoice Preview with the default template. You can then click on the “Print” side widget at upper right, then “Save as PDF”.
  5. Click on “Get Validation Link”, then a popup with a long URL will show up. This is the same URL as the QR code on the e-invoice will go to also. Click “Copy Link” to copy the URL, and then you can paste it and open it on browser directly instead of needing to scan with phone camera.
  6. To Cancel an e-invoice: Go back to “Documents” screen, you can tick multiple e-invoices documents, and then click “Cancel”. Then select a “Reason for Cancellation” and click “Initiate Cancellation” to cancel invoices. (Do note that it only applicable to e-invoices being created within 72 hours.)
  7. Then click on the UUID of the cancelled e-invoice, you can see that the status is now “Cancelled”.

MyInvois Portal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Do I need a digital certificate to submit e-Invoices through MyInvois Portal?

No, you don’t need to provide your own digital certificate. The digital signing process is fully managed by the MyInvois Portal.

2. How can I view my recent documents in MyInvois Portal?

  • You can view documents from the last 10 days directly in the Documents menu.
  • For documents between 11-31 days old, you can use the date filter.
  • For older documents, use the “Search All Documents” feature

3.How can I print my e-Invoices?

  • The ‘Print’ function is available only for e-Invoices submitted through the MyInvois Portal.
  • You’ll be able to view and print a PDF version of these e-Invoices.
  • Note: If you submitted through an ERP system (API), you’ll need to get the PDF from your suppliers directly

4. Can I upload multiple invoices at once?

  • Yes, you can use the Batch Upload feature to upload multiple e-Invoices using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
  • The Excel template is available for download within the portal
  • You can upload up to 100 documents per file, with a maximum file size of 25 MB

5. How do I receive notifications about my document status?

  • Email notifications are sent to email addresses configured in your Taxpayer Profile.
  • You can add multiple email addresses by separating them with semicolons.
  • Make sure to whitelist emails from and

6.Can I customize how my e-Invoices look when printed?

  • Yes, you can customize your document visual templates.
  • You can add your company logo, header, footer.
  • You can choose what supplier and buyer details to include.
  • However, the placement of the segments, position of logo, and other details formatting is not avaialble.
  • It is limited to options provided at the Visual Template setting.

7. Can I reuse information from previously submitted documents?

  • Yes, you can use the “Copy as Draft” feature to reuse details from previous documents.
  • This feature is available only for documents submitted via the MyInvois Portal or Mobile Application.
  • This helps speed up the document creation process

8. How do I handle Credit Notes or Debit Notes that reference multiple invoices?

  • Yes, you can include multiple Original e-Invoice Reference Numbers in a single Credit Note/Debit Note.
  • This makes it easier to process adjustments for multiple related invoices

9.How many documents can I export at once if I need to keep records?

  • You can export up to 100 documents at a time from the Documents menu
  • This helps you maintain your own records of submitted documents.

10. What should I do if I make a mistake while creating a document?

  • You can edit draft documents before final submission.
  • For batch uploads, you can correct any errors and re-upload the corrected documents.
  • It’s recommended to double-check all information before final submission.

Quick Step-by-step guide to e-invoicing via MyInvois Portal

Hope that you all find this interactive, visualized step-by-step guide is useful. We also provided PDF and also Video format of the guide catering to different type of learner.

We will be continuously updating and creating more guide similar to this down the line also. Stay Tuned!

Meanwhile if you face any issue with e-invoice implementation, do check out our e-Invoice Services page to see how we can help.

Ryan Chuah
Ryan Chuah

Ryan Chuah is an experienced IT consultant specializing in SME digitalization. Drawing from his background in software development, internet industries, and professional firms, Ryan identified the gap between IT and business.

As the founder of Kiizen IT Consulting Sdn Bhd, he's committed to offering tailored, scalable, strategic, and supportive IT solutions for SMEs. With a deep understanding of both IT and business requirements, Ryan consistently delivers practical and innovative solutions in our ever-evolving technological landscape.

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